Gross Motor, Fine Motor, and Sensory-Motor Skills
Watching your child master new skills is exciting and fun. Many questions arise throughout development, however, that can be difficult to find at times. “When should my child be able to do______” is a common question I get in my pediatric occupational therapy practice. Below is a checklist to serve as a resource for your child’s development of fine motor, gross motor, and sensory-motor skills.
Age 13-18 months
Scribbles on paper
Points with isolated index finger
Squats to pick up toy without losing balance
Lifts foot to kick large ball
Is interested in imitating others
Turns head in response to name being called
Points to object of interest
Maintains balance in sitting or standing while using two hands together to explore toys
Turns head to look at objects without losing balance while standing
Able to self-calm in car rides when not tired or hungry
Tolerates and wear new and varied textures of clothing
Has grown accustomed to everyday sounds and is usually not startled by them
Cries and notices when hurt
Age: 19-24 months
Is interested, aware, and able to maintain eye contact with others
Able to locate objects you are pointing to
Enjoys playing with new toys in varied ways
Usually plays with toys without mouthing them
Enjoys sitting to look at or listen to a book
Usually walks with heel toe pattern and not primarily on toes
Can maintain balance to catch ball or when gently bumped by peers
Is able to throw and attempt to catch ball without losing balance
Enjoys bath time
Is usually able to self-calm to fall asleep
Able to tolerate and wear new and varied textures of clothing
Enjoys a wide variety of touch, noise and smells
Able to transition to new environment or activity
Age: 2 – 2.5 years
Stacks 8-10 small (1″) cubes
Cuts paper
Imitates drawing lines on paper
Strings beads
Throws ball overhand at least 7 feet
Jumps down from step
Kick ball forward
Usually plays with toys without mouthing them
Participates in messy activities that result in dirty hands
Age: 2.5 – 3 years
Hops on one foot approximately 3 or more times
Balances on one foot for at least 3 seconds
Catches large ball
Jumps backward and sideways
Jumps a distance of at least 1 foot
Imitates drawing a cross and a circle
Holds crayon with thumb and fingers
Snips on a line using scissors
Able to participate in small groups with other children
Walks and maintains balance on uneven surfaces
Does not lean on furniture or people, unless tired
Age 3 – 3.5 years
Jumps forward at least 2 feet
Balances on one foot for 5 seconds
Throws small ball 10 feet forward with coordinated overhand throw
Catches 8-inch ball with hands
Cuts paper into two pieces, within 1/2 inch of a line
Unbuttons 3 1″ buttons
Age 3.5 – 4 years
Walks backward along a line
Using overhand throw, hits target from 5 feet
Opens and closes 1″ button
Uses appropriate tripod grasp on crayon
Cuts out simple shapes
Age 4 – 5 years
Stands on one foot for 5-10 seconds
Jumps and turns landing in opposite direction (180 degrees)
Hops on one foot at least 8 times
Catches tennis ball with hands from distance of 5 feet
Prints name
Copies a square and a triangle (5 years)
Age 5-6 years
Balances on one foot 10 seconds
Bounce and catch tennis ball, catch with 1 hand
Walks on tiptoes 15 feet
Ties shoes
Completes 5 sit-ups
Able to jump rope
Skips with alternating feet